New ProGanics® DUAL™ accelerates success by combining the proven soil-building benefits of ProGanics® Biotic Soil Media™ (BSM™) with Profile's outstanding erosion control properties. One application – dual benefits. This easy-to-use calculator will illustrate how you can dramatically increase job site productivity by reducing the time and tank loads required on hydroseeding job sites. The bigger the site – the more you save!
Your Inputs
Show Details
Hydroseeder Tank Size
1,500 gals
Normal Job-Site Time Per Tank
2 hours
Total Labor Cost per Hour
Project Size
100 acres
ProGanics® BSM™ Loading Rate
75 lb/100 gal
HECP Loading Rate
60 lb/125 gal
Two-Step Solution
Tanks / Project
ProGanics (4000 lb/acre)
EC Material (3000 lb/acre)
ProGanics DUAL Application Solution
Tanks / Project
ProGanics DUAL (5000 lb/acre)
Tankloads Saved
Hours Saved
Total Labor Cost Savings
Some job sites require a two-step solution; when the soil is extremely low in relative organic content and the risk of erosion is significant (light soils such as sandy loam and/or slopes > 2H/1V). But on big projects with moderate challenges, you can realize dramatic savings while delivering outstanding results with ProGanics DUAL.