Industry Solutions

A variety of solutions for your environment.
Profile Products is unsurpassed at developing cost-efficient solutions on a wide range of job sites—from pipelines and highways to landfills and golf courses. As the world’s largest producer of hydraulic mulch and the industry leader in technology development, we can find the best solution to control erosion, establish vegetation and meet environmental requirements on your site.
Industry Solutions
Cost-effective erosion control, stabilization and dust suppression are required to meet the strict regulation of fly ash storage, handling and transportation. As a world leader in this area, Profile® is uniquely qualified to help you.
Read MoreProfile® excels at providing more aesthetically pleasing, cost-effective, and sustainable vegetative solutions for shopping centers, business parks, housing developments, big box retail stores, MSE walls, and articulated block designs.
Read MoreExpansive coverage over inhospitable terrain requires solutions that only our experts and industry-leading products can provide, assuring you’ll surpass regulatory compliance and get the right results, the first time.
Read MoreGolf course architects, builders and superintendents have put their trust in Profile Golf’s turf establishment, erosion control and soil amendments for a wide array of construction, renovation and maintenance needs.
Read MoreDiscover new ways to quickly establish more sustainable turf, and ensure long-term success of planting beds and containers. Proven products result in stronger, deeper roots, larger plants and reduced plant stress.
Read MoreProfile® provides on-site, consultative support to mining companies around the globe, helping reduce their costs with proven techniques to establish vegetation on poor to marginal soils, and restore sites to their natural condition.
Read MorePrevent mudslides and protect environmentally sensitive areas in the critical hours after a wildfire. Profile’s experienced staff offers strategies and specialized products proven to stabilize the most challenging and inaccessible areas.
Read MoreProfile’s cost-effective, hydraulically applied solutions are perfect for solar sites. Let us help you meet your project’s regulatory requirements.
Read MoreYou’ll find the broadest line of products that meet or exceed all industry and DOT testing standards for cut slopes, fill slopes, drainage areas and channels, and roadsides adjacent sensitive environmental areas.
Read MoreReduce daily cover costs, preserve landfill capacity and provide greater environmental safety with alternative daily cover and capping solutions from Profile®.
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