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Profile Products Employees Earn Designation as Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control January 16, 2019

Profile Products is pleased to announce that employees Adam Dibble and Rachel Higgins recently earned the designation of Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control.

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Flexterra HP-FGM Datasheet - French

Flexterra® HP-FGM™ est un substrat de croissance flexible complètement biodégradable à haut rendement (HP-FGM)

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Profile Products Acquired by Incline Equity Partners January 10, 2019

Profile Products today announced its acquisition by Incline Equity Partners.

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Profile Products Wins SEAL Award Honoring Dedication to Sustainability Leadership November 27, 2018

Profile Products is pleased to announce it’s one of 12 global companies to earn the SEAL Environmental Initiative Award.

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Profile Products Hires Marketing Administrator November 20, 2018

Profile Products is pleased to welcome Brooklyn Dambach as a marketing administrator.

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Profile Products Welcomes Wes Martin as Director of Business Development November 20, 2018

Profile Products is pleased to announce the hiring of Wes Martin as director of business development.

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"Choosing the Right Machine” (Erosion Control: Nov/Dec 2018)

Erosion Control Magazine article highlighting the success of several projects with the proper hydroseeding equipment and Profile’s products.

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An Enduring Environmental Legacy (Metric)
Performance Data

See how Profile’s products and operation contribute to the well-being of our environment.

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Profile’s Marc S. Theisen Earns Esteemed Industry Awards September 11, 2018

Marc S. Theisen earned the EnviroCert International’s “Distinguished Service Award” and the IECA “2018 Technical Paper of the Year.”

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ProGanics Accelerates Vegetation Establishment on Caltrans Fire Reclamation Site

Article featuring Profile’s role in establishing vegetation after wildfires scorched the earth in Southern California.

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