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New Hampshire DOT Case Study
Case Studies

ProGanics® BSM™ Case Study: Department of Transportation Site

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Texas Two-Step (Golf Course Management: Jan 2017)

Bluejack National Superintendent Eric Bauer learned his craft at the feet of legends Jack Nicklaus, Tiger Woods

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West River Parkway Slope Repairs (Land and Water: Jan/Feb 2017)

Multi-agency teamwork, correct material choices keys to success in Minnesota high-risk erosion control project.

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Steep Railway Corridors (Informed Infrastructure: Jan/Feb 2017)

Steep terrain, remote location, tight timeline pose unique challenges for Profile Products erosion control project.

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Yichaun Luoyang River Bank Case Study
Case Studies

Flexterra® HP-FGM™ Case Study: Flexterra® HP-FGM™ Vegetates Chinese River Embankment

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Aqua-pHix Hydro CSI Specifications
CSI Specifications

View/download the Aqua-pHix Hydro CSI Specifications.

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High-Stakes Erosion Control on the Panama Canal (Erosion Control: Jan/Feb 2017)

Erosion Control article featuring Profile’s role in meeting a massive challenge on the Panama Canal expansion project.

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Unconventional Wisdom (Golf Course Management)

Golf Course Management article on innovative superintendents includes Bob Becker’s use of Profile Porous Ceramics at Scioto CC.

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ProGanics Biotic Soil Media Video

Patent-pending ProGanics™ Biotic Soil Media™ is a revolutionary topsoil alternative.

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Soil Testing is the Key to Project Success

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