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“Inorganic Soil Amendments in New Sand-Based Rootzones Can Reduce Nitrogen Loss” (Golfdom: December 1, 2004)

Discusses research conducted to determine the best materials to use when building putting green root zones.

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“The Evolution of Hydromulching” by Steve R. Zwilling (Land and Water: November 13, 2000)

Article discussing the history and benefits of hydroseeders and hydraulic seeding equipment.

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Root Zone Amendments: Profile vs. Peat (Profile: 2001)

When put to the test, inorganic amendments are emerging as a superior alternative to peat and Profile™...

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Hydroseeding Tips and Techniques From the Pros (Erosion Control: September/October 2008)

Hydroseeding equipment, products, and application methods are changing all the time.

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“Does Your Construction Site Need a Stormwater Permit?”

EPA brochure describing NPDES Phase II permit regulations for construction sites and how contractors...

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Stormwater Solutions: Devices That Work (Better Roads: August 2006)

In an article related to stormwater management, before-and-after images show how Flexterra® FGM stabilized...

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A Quantitative Comparison Of Sediment Retention Devices Under Standardized Test Conditions (July 2005)

Research conducted testing sediment retention devices (fiber filtration tubes, wattles, fiber rolls, silt fences)...

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Griffith Park Fire Restoration

California fires spark a collaborative mudslide prevention initiative...

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Golf Course Items Expected Life Cycle (ASGCA: January 2006)

View/Download the Golf Course Items Expected Life Cycle (ASGCA: January 2006)

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Restoring Fox Creek Bank ( August 2002)

Case study reporting the use of bonded fiber matrix for a revegetation project on a native-oak forested bank...

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