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Airport Product Sheet
Product Sheet

Having worked with designers, engineers, managers and contractors on countless airport projects worldwide, Profile® has technologies and expertise to help you achieve lasting dust and erosion control in these challenging environments.

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JumpStart Product Sheet
Product Sheet

Find out how JumpStart gives you a jump start on growth — download the product sheet.

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Futerra R45 HP-TRM and Anchor Armor ARVS Product Sheet
Product Sheet

Futerra R45 HP-TRM – the most complete turf reinforcement mat ever!

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Patented Technologies and Greener Components Deliver Unmatched Performance
Proof Points

Flexterra® HP-FGM™ combines revolutionary technology with the patented composition of the original Flexterra to deliver even better results.

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Growth Stimulants and Soil Enhancers
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Effective BMPs: Keeping nutrients with plants and away from water.

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Nothing Keeps More Soil On Site
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Flexterra® HP-FGM™ has demonstrated nearly perfect erosion control performance—even on slopes as severe as 0.25H:1V.

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Flexterra HP-FGM Leaves Nothing But a Better Environment Behind
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A result of Profile’s Green Design Engineering™, Flexterra® HP-FGM™ leaves nothing but a better environment behind.

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Flexterra HP-FGM is the First Erosion Control Product to Offer Documented Functional Longevity Based Upon ASTM D5338 Protocol
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Flexterra® HP-FGM™ is the first erosion control product to offer documented functional longevity based upon ASTM D5338 protocol.

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JumpStart Independent Trial Data
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Testing proves JumpStart™ speeds germination and growth.

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